
Report - May 2001

The Workforce Challenge: To Place is to Win

After eight months of research, the Center for an Urban Future has completed the first comprehensive report on New York City’s new and controversial welfare to work job-training system.

Testimony - April 2001

Long Island City Rezoning

Testimony of Jonathan Bowles, Research Director, Center for an Urban Future, Before City Planning Commission: Long Island City Rezoning

Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2001

The City’s Tax Break Policy is a Waste

Op-Ed from Center for an Urban Future Research Director Jonathan Bowles. Reprinted from Newsday, 2/21/2001.

Report - February 2001

Payoffs for Layoffs

In recent years, New York City has attempted to retain major corporations through tax breaks and other sweetheart measures. But without any accountability measures, many of the businesses to benefit have cut jobs or relocated anyway.

Commentary/Op-Ed - January 2001

Right Idea, Wrong Time: The Center Calls for Changes in the Governor’s Biotechnology Plan

New York City, not upstate, should be the centerpiece of the state's biotechnology plan.

Commentary/Op-Ed - November 2000

Manufacturers Lose Another Battle: City Set to Allow Another Viable Factory Building to Be Converted

One of the biggest and best buildings on the Williamsburg waterfront will soon be converted from manufacturing space into 184 Soho-priced studio apartments--even though local residents have pushed to keep factories in the neighborhood.

Commentary/Op-Ed - October 2000

Zones of Contention

Waterfront neighborhoods are sick of being dumping grounds for dirty industries. But efforts to protect people from polluters are starting to lock out good neighbors, too: the businesses that make the city run.

Report - October 2000

On a Wing and a Prayer

In this report, the Center details how highway gridlock and antiquated cargo facilities keep New York’s airports grounded.

Testimony - August 2000

Response to the City of New York’s Workforce Investment Plan

Submitted at a public hearing on the city's plan to implement the federal Workforce Investment Act locally

Report - August 2000

The Skills Crisis

Amidst unprecedented economic growth, New York City remains unable to bring together employers, job trainers, and those left behind by prosperity and in need of training. Here's why.

Report - February 2000

The Empire Has No Clothes

Rising real estate prices and declining support from city government threatens the future of New York's apparel industry.

Report - January 2000

The Sector Solution

Building a Broader Base for the New Economy

Report - August 1999

Biotechnology: The Industry That Got Away

During the 1990s, New York City had a golden opportunity to establish itself as a national center for the emerging biotech industry. How did we blow it?

Report - June 1999

Putting CUNY to Work

Though underutilized up to this point, the City University of New York is a potential economic development powerhouse. With closer ties to the city's business community, CUNY could make virtually unlimited contributions to New York's economic well-being.

Report - May 1999

The Big Squeeze

This groundbreaking report examines how rising rents and the real estate crunch are forcing small businesses out of New York City

Report - December 1998

Why New York Needs a New Jobs Policy

In the Center's first look at workforce development policy in New York City, director Neil Kleiman lays out an agenda for job creation that supports economic growth.

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