2024 Gala

Report - December 2022

State of the Chains, 2022

Our fifteenth annual ranking of national retailers in New York City finds a slight 0.3 percent uptick in chain stores across the five boroughs. However, despite the continued recovery from the sector’s steep contraction in 2020, this year’s bump in chain locations was a fraction of last year’s 2.7 percent increase.

Report - December 2022

Bolstering Minority- and Immigrant-Owned Businesses by Scaling Up CDFIs

New city and state government policies and investments are needed to strengthen New York City’s minority- and immigrant-owned businesses. Few would have a greater impact than expanding the reach of the city's Community Development Financial Institutions.

Report - November 2022

How NYC Can Leverage Data to Strengthen Social Services

This is the era of data. But while individuals, businesses, and governments are now using data analytics in countless ways to get smarter about how to allocate resources and deliver services, this data revolution has only just begun to transform one vital area of city government: New York’s social services system. This report shares insights from experts on how to realize this missed opportunity.

Report - November 2022

Harnessing CUNY as a Launchpad Into Tech Careers

New Yorkers of color remain strikingly underrepresented among the city’s tech workforce. No institution is better positioned to help close this opportunity gap for tech careers, at scale, than the City University of New York (CUNY). However, fully capitalizing on CUNY’s remarkable potential to serve as the city’s largest and most equitable springboard into technology careers will require new action from city and state government, the city’s technology companies, and CUNY itself.

Report - November 2022

Video: City of Aspiration: 150 Ideas From New Yorkers for Building a More Equitable NYC

There is growing consensus that New York City leaders should take new action to build a more equitable city. Check out CUF's new report video that breaks down our report featuring 150 New York-based leaders and national experts each sharing a single policy idea for how to make progress toward a more equitable NYC.

Report - September 2022

City of Aspiration: 150 Ideas for Building a More Equitable NYC

There is growing consensus that New York City leaders should take new action to build a more equitable city. This report provides a roadmap for how NYC can get there, featuring 150 New York-based leaders and national experts each sharing a single policy idea for how to make progress toward a more equitable NYC.

Report - July 2022

New York’s New Jobs Engine

The tech sector has matured into New York City's single most dependable economic engine and reliable source of new well-paying jobs. However, New York will have to overcome new challenges and gathering headwinds to build a larger, more sustainable, and more inclusive tech ecosystem.

Report - May 2022

Starting Up & Staying Out

For many formerly incarcerated New Yorkers, entrepreneurship provides a meaningful pathway to economic opportunity. Strengthening support for reentry entrepreneurship offers policymakers one vital, yet largely untapped, opportunity to help far more returning New Yorkers succeed in reentry and beyond.

Report - May 2022

In Good Company: What NYC’s Employers Should Do to Expand Access to Good Jobs

Creating a more equitable economy will require bold action by the city. But the private sector will also need to step up. This study provides a snapshot of six innovative employer-led initiatives to expand access to good jobs—with enormous potential for replication among other companies in New York.

Report - April 2022

Eliminating Discriminatory Fines & Fees: Learning From San Francisco

The fifth edition of Economic Opportunity Lab, CUF's series spotlighting innovative policies from other cities and states that are helping to create a more inclusive economy, profiles San Francisco’s Financial Justice Project. A similar initiative in NYC could reform a system of fines and fees with disproportionate consequences for low-income New Yorkers.

Report - March 2022

Scaling Minority-Owned Businesses: Adapting Cincinnati’s Accelerator for NYC

The fourth edition of Economic Opportunity Lab, CUF's series spotlighting innovative policies from other cities and states that are helping to create a more inclusive economy, profiles Cincinnati's Minority Business Accelerator. If replicated in New York, it could help small businesses grow and contribute to a more equitable economy for the long term.

Report - March 2022

Access Opportunity: Expanding Economic Opportunity for New Yorkers With Disabilities

Unemployment and underemployment among people with disabilities long predated but was exacerbated by COVID-19. Policymakers have the opportunity in an economic recovery to make New York City a national leader in employment for people with disabilities.

Report - March 2022

New York’s Untapped Entrepreneurship Opportunity

New York City policymakers have an enormous untapped opportunity to create a more equitable economy by increasing rates of entrepreneurship among New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) residents. Strengthening this vital pathway can enable the many public housing residents already engaged in side hustles and home-based ventures to grow their businesses and build wealth.

Report - February 2022

Basic Income for Transition-Age Foster Youth: Adopting California’s Approach

The third edition of Economic Opportunity Lab, CUF's series spotlighting innovative policies from other cities and states that are helping to create a more inclusive economy, profiles Santa Clara County, California's guaranteed income program for former foster youth, which may help this group establish financial independence and avoid crisis if replicated in New York.

Report - January 2022

Reengaging Adult Learners to Complete College Degrees: Learning From Tennessee

The second edition of Economic Opportunity Lab, CUF's series spotlighting innovative policies from other cities and states that are helping to create a more inclusive economy, profiles the Tennessee Reconnect program. The program could provide NYC with a framework to help thousands of adult learners earn a credential.

Report - January 2022

Supporting CUNY’s 79,000 Part-Time Students

Nearly 79,000 undergraduate students attend the City University of New York (CUNY) on a part-time basis, but although these part-time students cope with the same economic challenges as other CUNY students, they have long been effectively shut out of New York State’s tuition assistance programs. It is past time for New York’s policymakers to step up and adapt the state’s financial aid system to the needs of today’s students.

Report - December 2021

Financing Economic Mobility: Adopting New Jersey’s Pay It Forward Model

The first edition of Economic Opportunity Lab, CUF's new project spotlighting innovative policies from other cities and states that are helping to create a more inclusive economy and which have potential for replication in NYC, profiles New Jersey’s Pay It Forward program. The initiative, which creates a career impact bond, could provide a funding model for New York to scale up the most successful job training programs.

Report - December 2021

No Small Relief: Strengthening NYC’s Most Vulnerable Small Businesses

New York needs a long-term small business recovery plan that is squarely focused on boosting the smallest, most vulnerable businesses—one that supports them on the long recovery ahead and gives them the best chance of coming back even stronger. This blueprint lays out ten actionable policies that New York City and State can implement in the year ahead.

Report - December 2021

Video - Branches To Recovery: Tapping The Power Of NYC’s Public Libraries

To make progress toward a more equitable city, NYC has an incomparable asset in nearly every neighborhood: its 217 public branch libraries. Check out CUF's new report video that explains why.

Report - November 2021

Branches to Recovery: Tapping the Power of NYC’s Public Libraries to Rebuild a More Equitable City

Libraries are already among the city’s largest and most trusted providers of programs and services aligned with New Yorkers’ greatest needs. With a clear citywide strategy and a new level of investment, their impact could be even greater.

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