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Op-Ed: Seize the moment to fix NYC’s broken capital construction system

Commentary/Op-Ed - January 2019

Op-Ed: Seize the moment to fix NYC’s broken capital construction system

New York City's capital construction process is plagued by delays and cost overruns—a longstanding challenge that DDC's new reform plan seeks to fix. But for these reforms to stick, every agency with a hand in the process will have to commit to the shared goal of improving project delivery.

by Jonathan Bowles and Eli Dvorkin

Tags: infrastructure

There is an overwhelming need to rebuild and repair New York City's aging infrastructure. But cost overruns and lengthy delays for city-managed capital projects have stunted New York's ability to repair bridges and water mains, restore libraries and parks, and invest in the infrastructure that supports the city's economic development. In this Crain's New York op-ed, CUF Executive Director Jonathan Bowles and Editorial and Policy Director Eli Dvorkin commend Deputy Mayor Dean Fuleihan and DDC Commissioner Lorraine Grillo for their plan to reform the capital construction system, while urging every agency with an oversight role to embrace these changes and commit to internal overhauls of their own.

Read the op-ed here.

This op-ed is a continuation of the Center for an Urban Future's ongoing research on New York's aging infrastructure. Many of the specific proposals in DDC’s reform plan mirror recommendations made in our Slow Build report, which was made possible with support from the Charles H. Revson Foundation.

Photo Credit: Anthony Ginsbrook/Unsplashed