2024 Gala

Event - April 2020

Planning for the Recovery: Restarting NYC’s Economy in the Wake of the Coronavirus Pandemic

On April 17th, the Center for an Urban Future held a virtual policy forum to discuss strategies, policies, and investments needed to reignite the city’s economy and how lessons from previous recessions should shape the city's recovery in 2020 and beyond.


Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2020

Amid Crisis, Mayors Can Build a Workforce for the Second Machine Age

The economic fallout of Covid-19 combined with growing automation is poised to transform millions of jobs nationwide. Mayors should start developing plans to create a more adaptable workforce for a rapidly changing economy.


Report - April 2020

Art in the Time of Coronavirus: NYC’s Small Arts Organizations Fighting for Survival

NYC's vibrant arts and cultural sector has endured extraordinary challenges over the past weeks. CUF interviewed small and mid-sized arts organizations, community arts leaders, and working artists themselves to better understand the existential threat facing organizations and artists citywide.


Report - April 2020

Supporting Older Adults Through Coronavirus: Ideas from Experts and Leaders Across NYC

New York's growing older adult population is facing unprecedented barriers accessing meals, groceries, medicine, and support services, and new levels of social isolation brought on by the novel coronavirus. CUF asked nearly two dozen experts in older adult services for specific recommendations on how city and state policymakers can support older New Yorkers during this crisis.


Report - March 2020

A Blow to the Boroughs: Many Industries Hit Hardest by Coronavirus Concentrated Outside Manhattan

With the novel coronavirus already devastating New York City's economy, many of the industries suffering the most—including restaurants, retail, personal care services, childcare services, and air transportation—are overrepresented in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island and have grown fastest outside Manhattan.


Report - March 2020

Supporting small business through coronavirus: ideas from experts and leaders across NYC

New York’s small businesses are facing an existential threat from the novel coronavirus. CUF asked two dozen small business owners and small business experts for recommendations on how city and state policymakers can help them survive this crisis.


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