Event - September 2020
Encouraging and Supporting Low-Income Entrepreneurship in the BronxOn September 24th, CUF held a virtual policy forum on how to ensure that more of the New Yorkers from low-income backgrounds who do turn to entrepreneurship have the tools and resources to succeed.
Event - September 2020
6 Ideas to Boost New York’s Hard-Hit Tourism Economy.On September 9, the Center for an Urban Future held a virtual policy forum to explore what city leaders and policymakers can do to help New York City’s hard-hit tourism economy restart and get on the road to recovery.
Report - September 2020
NYC Minority Businesses in Flux: Black- and Asian-Owned Businesses Grow While Hispanic-Owned DeclineA fresh analysis of newly released data on New York City's minority-owned employer businesses shows the increasing importance of these businesses to the economies of every borough, adding urgency to the challenges now facing minority-owned businesses during the COVID crisis.
Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2020
Staying a city of immigrants: Newcomers keep us strongIn this New York Daily News op-ed, CUF Executive Director Jonathan Bowles urges the city to take initiative to prevent an exodus of New York immigrants, many of whom are facing unprecedented economic hardships, but are critical to the city's recovery.
Report - August 2020
Stark Disparities in Employment and Wages for Black New YorkersThe growing mass movement for racial justice has shined a light on harsh disparities affecting nearly every facet of American life—from criminal justice and policing to the health and economic effects of the pandemic. This new analysis examines disparities in employment and wages experienced by Black residents of New York City, finding widespread underrepresentation and alarming wage gaps across dozens of industries.
EventReport - August 2020
What NYC’s immigrant & minority-owned businesses need nowDuring the summer of 2020, CUF convened a three-part series of live-streamed discussions focused on specific policy solutions to support the city’s diverse small businesses. These discussions generated dozens of concrete ideas to help these businesses get through the crisis, including five key recommendations that surfaced during all three of our discussions.