2024 Gala

Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2022

Let’s overhaul the city’s capital process for the sake of our parks, playgrounds and libraries

In this Crain’s New York Business op-ed, CUF’s Jonathan Bowles and New Yorkers for Parks Executive Director Adam Ganser urge the Adams administration to reform the city’s notoriously costly and time-consuming capital process for parks, libraries, and other vital social infrastructure.

Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2022

Mayor Adams, it’s time to level up K-12 computing education across NYC

In this City & State NY op-ed, CUF Editorial & Policy Director Eli Dvorkin and Robin Hood Learning + Technology Fund Director Amber Oliver urge Mayor Adams to strengthen and grow computing education in the city’s schools to expand access to well-paying tech careers and ensure that New Yorkers of color and women are fully represented.

Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2022

Strengthening pathways to entrepreneurship for formerly incarcerated New Yorkers

In this Daily News op-ed, CUF Executive Director Jonathan Bowles and Vice President of Global Philanthropy for JPMorgan Chase Jeanique Druses make the case for why city and state leaders should embrace the opportunity to strengthen pathways to entrepreneurship for formerly incarcerated New Yorkers.

Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2022

Make New York City a national leader in employment for people with disabilities

In this op-ed for City Limits, CUF Researcher and Multimedia Specialist Melissa Lent and Editorial and Policy Director Eli Dvorkin lay out the opportunity for the mayor and City Council to make New York City a national leader in employment for people with disabilities.

Commentary/Op-Ed - March 2022

Boost equity with TAP access for part-time students

In this op-ed for Times Union, CUF's Jonathan Bowles urges the State Legislature to support Gov. Hochul's proposal to expand the state's Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) to the nearly 200,000 SUNY and CUNY students who are enrolled on a part-time basis.

Commentary/Op-Ed - March 2022

Strengthening Natural Areas to Tackle Unemployment and Climate Change

In this Gotham Gazette op-ed, CUF Editorial and Policy Director Eli Dvorkin makes a case for the city to invest in NYC’s natural areas to spark thousands of green jobs while strengthening the city’s forests and wetlands.

Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2022

Eight Steps Mayor Adams Should Take to Expand and Improve Workforce Development

In this Crain's New York Business op-ed, CUF Editorial and Policy Director Eli Dvorkin outlines eight steps the Adams administration should take to make the investments and policy changes needed to help New Yorkers reenter the workforce while building ladders to economic mobility.

Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2022

New York City’s economic recovery should be top priority

In this City & State op-ed, CUF Executive Director Jonathan Bowles and Winston C. Fisher argue five ways the city’s new administration can help boost economic recovery at a time with rising inflation, fewer jobs than before the pandemic, and a shift to remote work.

Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2021

To ensure an inclusive recovery, encourage and support minority-owned businesses

In this Crain's New York Business op-ed, CUF Executive Director Jonathan Bowles and Vice President of Global Philanthropy for JPMorgan Chase Jeanique Druses urge the city to spark the creation of thousands of new Black- and Latino-owned businesses as part of ensuring an inclusive recovery in New York.

Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2021

Harness NYC’s libraries to spread equity

In this Daily News op-ed, CUF Executive Director Jonathan Bowles urges the incoming generation of city leaders to give libraries the resources they need to keep pace with growing demand for their programs and services — and meet the challenges of the post-pandemic recovery.

Commentary/Op-Ed - September 2021

Eight Ideas to Drive New York’s Economic Recovery Now

In this Gotham Gazette op-ed, CUF Executive Director Jonathan Bowles and Winston C. Fisher urge current and soon-to-be elected city leaders to take swift action on eight ideas that would help create jobs right now and lay the foundation for a stronger and more inclusive economy over the long run.

Commentary/Op-Ed - July 2021

Upward mobility starts underground: Give community college students free MetroCards

In this New York Daily News op-ed, CUF's Jonathan Bowles urges the city to eliminate CUNY students' transportation costs as a way to help more students remain on the path to a college credential.

Commentary/Op-Ed - May 2021

Tech Jobs in the City are Growing; Here’s How to Make Sure New Yorkers Can Fill Them

In this Gotham Gazette op-ed, CUF's Eli Dvorkin and Robin Hood Learning + Technology Fund's Amber Oliver urge the city's next mayor to take several steps to ensure that every New Yorker is equipped with the skills, tools, and opportunities they need to thrive in a digital world.

Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2021

Building big without breaking the bank: How New York City should fix a broken capital construction

In this New York Daily News op-ed, CUF Executive Director Jonathan Bowles and New Yorkers for Parks Executive Director Adam Ganser argue that reforming the city’s broken capital construction process is a huge opportunity to help the city realize significant cost savings during a period of protracted fiscal uncertainty.

Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2021

Supporting NYC’s immigrant arts ecosystem through crisis and beyond

In this City Limits op-ed, CUF urges city policymakers and cultural leaders to do more to help immigrant artists and arts organizations survive the current crisis and weave new strength into the cultural fabric of New York City.

Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2021

New York City Should Start Preparing Now for a Biden Infrastructure Plan

In this Gotham Gazette op-ed, CUF makes the case that New York City should start preparing for an increasingly likely major new federal infrastructure investment this year and seize this opportunity to get the economy going and confront the climate crisis

Commentary/Op-Ed - November 2020

Op-Ed: Making the gig economy work for New Yorkers

In this Times Union op-ed, CUF Editorial and Policy Director Eli Dvorkin and Winston C. Fisher argue that New York’s leaders should bring together workers and industry to establish a bold plan to ensure that independent workers in all sectors can access universal, portable benefits, gaining financial security without losing flexible work.

Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2020

Staying a city of immigrants: Newcomers keep us strong

In this New York Daily News op-ed, CUF Executive Director Jonathan Bowles urges the city to take initiative to prevent an exodus of New York immigrants, many of whom are facing unprecedented economic hardships, but are critical to the city's recovery.

Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2020

To help struggling small businesses, the city needs to reconsider its public spaces

CUF Executive Director Jonathan Bowles and Winston C. Fisher call on the city to think bigger about opportunities for outdoor commerce. Access to open streets, parks, markets and fairs could make the difference for hundreds if not thousands of New York entrepreneurs who have endured three months of business closures and are desperate for customers.

Commentary/Op-Ed - May 2020

Infrastructure Investment Can Restart the Economy, but Prioritize Fixing What We Have

A bold public works program would help put New Yorkers back to work while strengthening the city's economy for the long term. But New York’s infrastructure needs are different than they were during the 1930s. Today, what the city needs most is a massive campaign to upgrade and maintain the infrastructure it already has.

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