2024 Gala


Data from Bridging the Disconnect

Data - September 2014

Data from Bridging the Disconnect

Charts and tables from our Bridging the Disconnect report which found that while New York City is facing a youth unemployment crisis, the city’s youth workforce development programs reach only a fraction of those in need of help and are too often misaligned to the developmental needs of young New Yorkers.

De Blasio adopts legislation from CUF report on foster youth

Impact - September 2014

De Blasio adopts legislation from CUF report on foster youth

In September 2014, de Blasio signed off on legislation that follows recommendations from our Fostering Careers report.

City and State Budgets for FY15 Follow CUF Recommendations on Subsidized Child Care

Impact - July 2014

City and State Budgets for FY15 Follow CUF Recommendations on Subsidized Child Care

The Center’s 2011 Subsidizing Care, Supporting Work report provided recommendations to address New York City’s deteriorating child care system—a critical support for the city’s working poor. We’re pleased to report that five of those recommendations have been implemented in the city and state budgets for FY2015.

CUF Influences Mayor's Plan to Refocus NYC’s Workforce Development System on Skills Building

Impact - June 2014

CUF Influences Mayor's Plan to Refocus NYC’s Workforce Development System on Skills Building

For years, the Center for an Urban Future has been urging city officials to expand and improve the city’s workforce development system. In May 2014, Mayor de Blasio announced that the city would do just that with a Jobs for New Yorkers Task Force. The Center has been invited to facilitate the task force’s discussions.

Data from Caution Ahead

Data - March 2014

Data from Caution Ahead

Charts and tables from our Caution Ahead report which found that while Superstorm Sandy focused much-needed attention on key pieces of New York City’s infrastructure, the city faces a number of other infrastructure vulnerabilities that have little to do with storm-preparedness—from aging water mains and deteriorating roads to crumbling public schools. If left unchecked, they could wreak havoc on the city’s economy and quality of life.

MTA Expands Real-Time Arrival Technology to all NYC Buses, a Recommendation from CUF’s Behind the Curb Report

Impact - February 2014

MTA Expands Real-Time Arrival Technology to all NYC Buses, a Recommendation from CUF’s Behind the Curb Report

The Center’s 2011 Behind the Curb report recommended that the MTA install GPS devices on all city buses in order to make real-time arrival updates available to all riders. After piloting Bus Time in Staten Island and expanding to the Bronx and Manhattan last year, the MTA is now installing the service on Brooklyn and Queens buses.

Mayor de Blasio Adopts CUF Recommendation to Expand Low-Income Entrepreneurship

Impact - February 2014

Mayor de Blasio Adopts CUF Recommendation to Expand Low-Income Entrepreneurship

Our April 2013 Launching Low-Income Entrepreneurs study recommended that the city expand low-income entrepreneurship in New York City and provide an alternative pathway to the middle class for low-income New Yorkers. In his first State of the City speech, Mayor de Blasio announced plans to do just that.

New de Blasio Administration Continues Young Men's Initiative, a Policy Highlighted in our

Impact - February 2014

New de Blasio Administration Continues Young Men's Initiative, a Policy Highlighted in our "Innovations to Build On" Report

In November 2013, we highlighted 10 important anti-poverty innovations from the Bloomberg administration that deserved to continue. We're pleased to report that Mayor de Blasio recently announced that his administration will build on one such innovation, the Young Men's Initiative.

Comptroller Candidate Runs with Key Idea from CUF's Innovation and the City Report

Impact - July 2013

Comptroller Candidate Runs with Key Idea from CUF's Innovation and the City Report

In July 2013, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer unveiled a new policy proposal that came straight from CUF and NYU Wagner's Innovation and the City report which profiled 15 of the best policy innovations from other cities that have the potential to be replicated in New York.

CUF Influences MTA’s Needs Assessment for NYC Transit System

Impact - July 2013

CUF Influences MTA’s Needs Assessment for NYC Transit System

In July 2013, the MTA published a forward-looking needs assessment for New York City’s transit system that was greatly influenced by the Center's Behind the Curb study.

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