2024 Gala


DOT Expands Micromobility to Queens, Echoing CUF Recommendations

Impact - June 2023

DOT Expands Micromobility to Queens, Echoing CUF Recommendations

The city’s Department of Transportation announced that the successful e-scooter sharing program piloted in the Bronx will expand to eastern Queens. CUF's recent commentary on expanding micromobility in all five boroughs called for the expansion of the Bronx e-scooter pilot to less transit-rich neighborhoods in Queens.

CUF Report Leads to MTA's New Bus Improvement Plan

Impact - April 2018

CUF Report Leads to MTA's New Bus Improvement Plan

The MTA's launches a comprehensive plan to improve all 300 bus routes follows the recommendation of CUF's recently published report.

Jobs in Transit: Opportunity in the Transportation Sector

Data - September 2016

Jobs in Transit: Opportunity in the Transportation Sector

The transportation sector is growing in New York City, creating opportunities for accessible middle-wage jobs across the five boroughs. This data brief, the latest publication of our Middle Class Jobs Project, documents the industry's recent job gains, which have outpaced the city's overall economic growth over the past two years.

Fast City, Slow Commute

Data - March 2016

Fast City, Slow Commute

New Yorkers are efficient, direct and fast moving. Their commutes: anything but. In this data analysis, we examine New Yorkers’ commutes by neighborhood and across industries.

Following CUF recommendation, Mayor de Blasio takes action to reduce infrastructure costs

Impact - June 2015

Following CUF recommendation, Mayor de Blasio takes action to reduce infrastructure costs

The administration’s recent deal on public labor agreements implements a recommendation from our 2014 Caution Ahead report and will save the city over $347 million on construction projects.

Aging Gas Lines: Signs of Progress, But Improvements Still Needed

Data - March 2015

Aging Gas Lines: Signs of Progress, But Improvements Still Needed

The recent tragedy in the East Village brought renewed attention to the city’s infrastructure. And while aging gas mains and service lines remain an issue, both Con Edison and National Grid have significantly improved the safety and efficiency of the distribution system in recent years.

Mayor discusses CUF report on New York's aging infrastructure

Impact - February 2015

Mayor discusses CUF report on New York's aging infrastructure

In a January 2015 interview with The Nation, Mayor de Blasio corrects interviewer with the exact data from our Caution Ahead report.

Prompted by CUF Report, City Council examines economic impact of aging infrastructure

Impact - November 2014

Prompted by CUF Report, City Council examines economic impact of aging infrastructure

Prompted by CUF's Caution Ahead report, City Council held a hearing on the economic impact of New York's aging infrastructure.

Following CUF's recommendation, city requires companies to offer pre-tax transit benefits

Impact - October 2014

Following CUF's recommendation, city requires companies to offer pre-tax transit benefits

Following a recommendation from our Innovation and the City report, the Mayor and City Council implemented legislation mandating that New York City companies offer full-time employees access to pre-tax transit benefits.

MTA Expands Real-Time Arrival Technology to all NYC Buses, a Recommendation from CUF’s Behind the Curb Report

Impact - February 2014

MTA Expands Real-Time Arrival Technology to all NYC Buses, a Recommendation from CUF’s Behind the Curb Report

The Center’s 2011 Behind the Curb report recommended that the MTA install GPS devices on all city buses in order to make real-time arrival updates available to all riders. After piloting Bus Time in Staten Island and expanding to the Bronx and Manhattan last year, the MTA is now installing the service on Brooklyn and Queens buses.

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