
Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2015

The Virtuous Cycle of Keeping Your City Affordable for Artists

In this Next City op-ed, CUF researcher Adam Forman discusses how New York’s affordability challenges are threatening its remarkable community of artists, nonprofit arts groups, and for profit creative industries. He outlines three ideas for what the city should do to support and retain New York’s now thriving creative economy in the years ahead.


Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2015

City Officials Must Do More To Boost New York’s Creative Sector

In this City & State op-ed, CUF executive director Jonathan Bowles calls on the de Blasio administration to support the arts and the broader creative sector. He argues that the creative sector provides the city with its greatest competitive advantage, but notes that New York faces growing competition from other cities that are aggressively cultivating their creative economies.


Data - June 2015

Data from Creative New York

Charts and tables from our 2015 Creative New York study. The report found that the creative sector is one of New York City’s most important economic assets but that the city’s working artists, nonprofit arts groups and for-profit creative firms face a growing number of challenges.


Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2015

What can cities do to nurture the arts & the creative sector?

In an online essay for Zócalo Public Square, the Center’s Jonathan Bowles argues that the healthiest creative economies owe their success not to gilded performance halls, but to large and sustainable clusters of artists, musicians, dancers, designers, writers, and other creative professionals. He writes that cities wishing to bolster their creative economy should start by developing policies that attract and retain artists.


Data - June 2015

NYC Libraries by the Numbers

Despite declining funds and limited hours of service, New York City’s public libraries are seeing a surge in users and uses. Below we show where the growth is happening and how funding cuts in recent years have affected performance, and provide the city’s first branch-by-branch accounting of book circulation, program attendance and visits.


impact - June 2015

Following CUF recommendation, Mayor de Blasio takes action to reduce infrastructure costs

The administration’s recent deal on public labor agreements implements a recommendation from our 2014 Caution Ahead report and will save the city over $347 million on construction projects.


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