2024 Gala

Event - May 2022

The Role of Employers in Expanding Access to Good Jobs in NYC

On May 4th, the Center for an Urban Future held a policy symposium that explored what’s needed to ensure that far more New York-based employers develop and scale up programs from internships and apprenticeships to skills-based hiring.

Event - March 2022

What NYC Can Do to Help More Minority-Owned Businesses Sell Online & Compete in an Age of E-Commerce

On March 2nd, the Center for an Urban Future held a policy symposium that explored how policymakers can help enable far more of New York’s minority- and immigrant-owned small businesses to succeed in the digital age.

Event - December 2021

What the Infrastructure Bill Means for NYC

On December 9th, join Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and NYC Comptroller-elect Brad Lander for a conversation on what the infrastructure money means for NYC and how federal and local officials can collaborate on implementation to ensure that infrastructure dollars deliver what our communities need for the future.

Event - November 2021

Branches of Recovery: Harnessing Public Libraries to Rebuild a More Equitable City

On November 30th, the Center for an Urban Future held a policy symposium that explored how to unlock the full potential of New York's branch libraries—and make them a centerpiece of the social infrastructure needed to cultivate an inclusive recovery and build a more equitable city.

Event - November 2021

Speaker Candidates Forum: A New Vision for Open Space!

On November 17th, New Yorkers for Parks, New York League of Conservation Voters, Regional Plan Association, and Center for an Urban Future held a virtual Council Speaker Candidates Forum, "A New Vision for Open Space!"

Event - November 2021

Helping NYC’s Vital Asian-Owned Business Come Back Stronger

On November 9th, CUF and Asian American Federation held a forum to shine a spotlight on New York's Asian-owned businesses at a pivotal moment in the city's ongoing recovery and discuss what public and private sector leaders should do to bolster this vital part of New York's economy for the long term.

Event - September 2021

RE:NEW YORK CITY— How to Revive NYC’s Economy, Spark Good Jobs, and Build a More Equitable City

On September 22, CUF held a policy forum to explore what bold steps the New York’s next mayor—and the many other new leaders across city government entering office in January 2022—will need to do to create an economic recovery that is lasting and equitable.

Event - May 2021

Making Workforce Training an Engine of New York State’s Economic Recovery

On May 13th, CUF and NYATEP held a virtual policy forum to explore how the state can bolster workforce training in challenging economic times and what state policymakers should do to help get New Yorkers back to work and prepared for a significantly changed post-pandemic job landscape.

Event - April 2021

The Role of Workers in a Resilient & Inclusive Recovery

On April 28th, CUF co-sponsored a mayoral candidate forum to explore each mayoral candidate's vision for the role that workforce and talent development will play in the immediate and long-term recovery of the City and their ideas for creating high-quality jobs for New Yorkers.

Event - April 2021

Encouraging and Supporting Low-Income Entrepreneurship in Brooklyn

On April 2nd, CUF held a forum to discuss what’s needed to support first-time entrepreneurs from low-income communities in Brooklyn, and examined how to ensure that more of the New Yorkers from low-income backgrounds who do turn to entrepreneurship have the tools and resources to succeed.

Event - February 2021

Encouraging and Supporting Low-Income Entrepreneurship on Staten Island

On February 11th, CUF held a forum to discuss what’s needed to support first-time entrepreneurs from low-income communities on Staten Island, and examine how to ensure that more of the Staten Islanders from low-income backgrounds who do turn to entrepreneurship have the tools and resources to succeed.

Event - January 2021

Conversation with CUNY Chancellor Félix V. Matos Rodríguez

On January 19th, CUF hosted a policy conversation with Chancellor Matos Rodríguez to discuss the vital role that CUNY can play in the city’s economic recovery and his vision for making the university a fundamental part of efforts to create a more equitable and inclusive economy in New York.

Event - December 2020

Supporting NYC’s Immigrant Arts Ecosystem in a Time of Crisis

On December 11th, CUF held a forum to explore the growing role of immigrant artists in New York's cultural life, the impact of the COVID crisis on the immigrant arts ecosystem, and the longer-term challenges facing immigrant artists and immigrant-focused arts organizations across all five boroughs.

Event - November 2020

Encouraging and Supporting Low-Income Entrepreneurship in Manhattan

On November 18h, CUF held a virtual policy forum that explored the opportunity to increase the number of low-income entrepreneurs in Manhattan as a way to help those hardest hit by the pandemic to boost incomes and generate wealth.

Event - October 2020

9 ideas for building an opportunity agenda in New York

On October 27th, CUF held a virtual policy forum to explore concrete steps to create a bold new opportunity agenda. Nine policy ideas came out of the discussion, some of which will need federal action but others where New York policymakers can take the lead.

Event - October 2020

Boosting Incomes in Hard Times: Encouraging and Supporting Low-Income Entrepreneurship in Queens

On October 22nd, CUF held a virtual policy forum to explore whether low-income entrepreneurship should be among the strategies city policymakers pursue to help those hardest hit by the pandemic boost incomes and generate wealth, and to discuss what’s needed to support first-time entrepreneurs from low-income communities in Queens.

Event - October 2020

Stretching City Dollars: Reforming NYC’s Capital Construction Process for Libraries & Beyond

On October 8th, CUF held a virtual policy forum to discuss the progress the administration has made in improving the capital process and explore what city and state leaders can do now to maximize the impact of capital dollars in a time of fiscal crisis.

Event - September 2020

Encouraging and Supporting Low-Income Entrepreneurship in the Bronx

On September 24th, CUF held a virtual policy forum on how to ensure that more of the New Yorkers from low-income backgrounds who do turn to entrepreneurship have the tools and resources to succeed.

Event - September 2020

6 Ideas to Boost New York’s Hard-Hit Tourism Economy.

On September 9, the Center for an Urban Future held a virtual policy forum to explore what city leaders and policymakers can do to help New York City’s hard-hit tourism economy restart and get on the road to recovery.

Event - August 2020

Helping Small Businesses in Queens’ Hardest-Hit Neighborhoods Recover from the Pandemic

On August 12th, the Center for an Urban Future held a virtual policy forum to explore the ongoing challenges affecting small businesses in Queens' hardest-hit communities and put forward specific ideas to support a lasting recovery from the pandemic.

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