Commentary/Op-Ed - January 2019
OP-ED: Support Remedial Education Reforms to Help More Students SucceedTraditional remedial education has become just another stumbling block on the road to a college credential. By investing in comprehensive remedial education reform, New York State can lift up underprepared students and put thousands more on track to a brighter economic future.
Report - December 2018
State of the Chains, 2018Our eleventh annual ranking of national retailers in New York City finds a year-over-year decrease in the number of chain store locations for the first time since this study began.
Report - December 2018
Deeper in Debt: For-Profit Schools Driving Student Loan Default in New York StateNearly a quarter of undergraduate students in New York State who take out student loans either default or are at high risk of default after five years, driven by disproportionately high default rates at the state’s for-profit schools. The data underscores the need to tackle the student debt crisis in New York and suggests that state policymakers should take steps to hold the most default-prone institutions accountable.
Testimony - November 2018
The Future of the Garment CenterIn this testimony before the New York City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises, CUF Executive Director Jonathan Bowles details his support for a more calibrated plan to preserve what’s left of the unique fashion ecosystem in Manhattan’s garment district.
Report - October 2018
Out of Reach: Too Few New Yorkers Are Earning a High School Equivalency DiplomaEarning a high school equivalency can open the door to better jobs, skills-building programs, and a postsecondary education for the nearly 1.5 million New Yorkers without a high school diploma. But the number of New Yorkers earning a high school equivalency is just half what it was in 2010, and overall trends are cause for concern.
Report - September 2018
The Promise of Apprenticeships in New YorkApprenticeships increase economic mobility for people without a college degree, help employers find diverse and qualified employees, and are an ideal training model for New York's fastest-growing industries. New York can do much more to realize their potential.
Report - September 2018
Starting Later: Realizing the Promise of Older Entrepreneurs in New York CityA growing number of New Yorkers over 50 are quietly but purposefully turning to entrepreneurship, boosting the city’s economy and helping scores of older New Yorkers become more financially secure. As the city's population ages, New York has a major opportunity to further expand encore entrepreneurship and support aspiring entrepreneurs who are starting later.
Commentary/Op-Ed - September 2018
Op-Ed: Creating Middle Class Jobs By Upgrading NYC’s Aging InfrastructureAn ambitious plan to revitalize public infrastructure can provide New Yorkers with well-paying jobs and lay the foundation for a stronger city.
Commentary/Op-Ed - September 2018
Op-Ed: Getting New York’s Excelsior Scholarship Program RightGovernor Cuomo is right to focus on college affordability, but his Excelsior Scholarship program is only reaching a small number of New Yorkers. With a few tweaks, New York can make Excelsior a powerful engine of educational opportunity.
Report - August 2018
Excelsior Scholarship Serving Very Few New York StudentsThe Excelsior Scholarship program promises free tuition at CUNY and SUNY colleges. But only 3 percent of public college students are able to take advantage of Excelsior, and students in New York City are especially neglected.
Commentary/Op-Ed - July 2018
Op-Ed: Getting Ahead of Automation in New YorkAbout 12 percent of New York State's workforce, more than 1.2 million jobs statewide, could be largely automated using technology that exists today. To get New Yorkers ready, policymakers and legislators must double down on a skills-building agenda.
Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2018
Op-Ed: Revitalizing New York’s Aging Parks InfrastructureWith more than 100 million parks visitors each year and the city’s population at a record high, New York’s 1,700 public parks have never been busier. But age and underinvestment in basic maintenance in has taken a toll. By investing wisely in parks' revitalization, these essential open spaces can continue to thrive into the next century and beyond.
Report - June 2018
A New Leaf: Revitalizing New York City’s Aging Parks InfrastructureNew York City's public parks are busier than ever. But the combination of advanced age and decades of insufficient maintenance means that parks across all five boroughs are facing serious infrastructure challenges.
Testimony - June 2018
Protecting NYC Students from Poorly Performing For-Profit CollegesIn this testimony before the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs, Matt Chaban, CUF's policy director, details how many for-profit colleges in the state leave students with a little education and huge debts they struggle to repay because they did not receive the education they were promised.
Report - June 2018
State of Work: The Coming Impact of Automation on New YorkMillions of jobs in New York State will feel the effects of automation in the coming decades. These jobs are not necessarily disappearing, but they are transforming, as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and advanced robotics tackle more roles in the workplace. Policymakers should act now to help New Yorkers prepare for the changes that are coming to the world of work.
Report - June 2018
New York City’s Libraries Still Face Daunting Capital NeedsNew York City is making progress in strengthening the condition of its branch libraries, but the latest capital needs figures reveal that there is still much more work to be done. The mayor and the City Council should continue what they've started and fully fund the city's three library systems to bring their aging infrastructure to a state of good repair.
Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2018
Op-Ed: NYC Should Fund Community College Metro CardsWhile the City Council's Fair Fares Plan would undoubtedly provide a much-needed boost to tens of thousands of New Yorkers who are barely scraping by, it remains in legislative limbo. As a practical alternative, New York can start by making MetroCards free for the city’s community college students.
Commentary/Op-Ed - May 2018
Op-Ed: NYC Tourism Industry Deserves Credit For Major Job GrowthOver the past two decades, tourism in New York City has swelled from 33 million to nearly 63 million annual visitors. The city should make concrete efforts that recognize tourism’s role in the region’s economy, and plan to sustain it.
Report - May 2018
Destination New YorkOver the past two decades, tourism to New York City has swelled from 33 million to nearly 63 million annual visitors, with powerful ripples throughout the city’s economy. Once just one sector among many, tourism has risen to become one of the top four employment drivers in the city. But the city needs to plan ahead to sustain the current level of tourism and the jobs it has created.
Report - May 2018
New York By DesignAs NYCxDESIGN kicks off, new data shows New York City leading the way in architecture and design jobs. One in two of the architecture and design jobs gained nationwide is in the five boroughs.