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Testimony - September 2020

Supporting the Recovery of New York City’s Tourism Economy

In this testimony before the NYC Council Committee on Economic Development and Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations, CUF data researcher Charles Shaviro and policy director Eli Dvorkin outline what the city will need to do to help lay the groundwork for a long-term tourism recovery.

Testimony - September 2020

Why I Support the Industry City Rezoning

In this testimony before the NYC Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises, CUF executive director Jonathan Bowles details his support for the Industry City rezoning, which can help New York build both a larger and a more inclusive innovation economy.

Report - September 2020

NYC Minority Businesses in Flux: Black- and Asian-Owned Businesses Grow While Hispanic-Owned Decline

A fresh analysis of newly released data on New York City's minority-owned employer businesses shows the increasing importance of these businesses to the economies of every borough, adding urgency to the challenges now facing minority-owned businesses during the COVID crisis.

Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2020

Staying a city of immigrants: Newcomers keep us strong

In this New York Daily News op-ed, CUF Executive Director Jonathan Bowles urges the city to take initiative to prevent an exodus of New York immigrants, many of whom are facing unprecedented economic hardships, but are critical to the city's recovery.

Report - August 2020

Stark Disparities in Employment and Wages for Black New Yorkers

The growing mass movement for racial justice has shined a light on harsh disparities affecting nearly every facet of American life—from criminal justice and policing to the health and economic effects of the pandemic. This new analysis examines disparities in employment and wages experienced by Black residents of New York City, finding widespread underrepresentation and alarming wage gaps across dozens of industries.

EventReport - August 2020

What NYC’s immigrant & minority-owned businesses need now

During the summer of 2020, CUF convened a three-part series of live-streamed discussions focused on specific policy solutions to support the city’s diverse small businesses. These discussions generated dozens of concrete ideas to help these businesses get through the crisis, including five key recommendations that surfaced during all three of our discussions.

Report - July 2020

Recovery Signs, New Lows: NYC Employment by Industry Since the Outbreak of Coronavirus

While the coronavirus pandemic has affected nearly every part of New York City's economy, new research and analysis shows that the toll has differed strikingly by industry.

Report - June 2020

Under Threat & Left Out: NYC’s Immigrants and the Coronavirus Crisis

Immigrant New Yorkers are enduring unprecedented economic pain from the pandemic—and yet they have been almost completely shut out of government programs created for those in need, CUF research and interviews with two dozen nonprofit leaders reveals.

Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2020

To help struggling small businesses, the city needs to reconsider its public spaces

CUF Executive Director Jonathan Bowles and Winston C. Fisher call on the city to think bigger about opportunities for outdoor commerce. Access to open streets, parks, markets and fairs could make the difference for hundreds if not thousands of New York entrepreneurs who have endured three months of business closures and are desperate for customers.

Commentary/Op-Ed - May 2020

Infrastructure Investment Can Restart the Economy, but Prioritize Fixing What We Have

A bold public works program would help put New Yorkers back to work while strengthening the city's economy for the long term. But New York’s infrastructure needs are different than they were during the 1930s. Today, what the city needs most is a massive campaign to upgrade and maintain the infrastructure it already has.

Report - May 2020

Bearing the Brunt: Where NYC’s Hard-Hit Sector Workers Live

While coronavirus has devastated much of NYC's economy, our research shows that the impacts are not equally dispersed across the city: workers in the most hard-hit sectors—including restaurants, hotels, retail, and personal care services—predominantly live in lower-income neighborhoods outside Manhattan.

Report - May 2020

Essential Yet Vulnerable: NYC’s Human Services Nonprofits Face Financial Crisis During Pandemic

In the midst of an unprecedented surge in demand, NYC's human services nonprofits are confronting millions of dollars in unexpected costs and lost revenue. This report, based on interviews with over two dozen nonprofit leaders, documents the challenges facing New York’s human services nonprofits due to coronavirus.

Report - April 2020

Tech Disrupted: How Coronavirus is Challenging NYC’s Tech Sector

Written in partnership with Tech:NYC, this report provides a new level of detail about the impacts of the coronavirus crisis on NYC-based tech companies, based on interviews with nearly two dozen founders, executives, investors, and industry leaders.

Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2020

Amid Crisis, Mayors Can Build a Workforce for the Second Machine Age

The economic fallout of Covid-19 combined with growing automation is poised to transform millions of jobs nationwide. Mayors should start developing plans to create a more adaptable workforce for a rapidly changing economy.

Report - April 2020

Art in the Time of Coronavirus: NYC’s Small Arts Organizations Fighting for Survival

NYC's vibrant arts and cultural sector has endured extraordinary challenges over the past weeks. CUF interviewed small and mid-sized arts organizations, community arts leaders, and working artists themselves to better understand the existential threat facing organizations and artists citywide.

Report - April 2020

Supporting Older Adults Through Coronavirus: Ideas from Experts and Leaders Across NYC

New York's growing older adult population is facing unprecedented barriers accessing meals, groceries, medicine, and support services, and new levels of social isolation brought on by the novel coronavirus. CUF asked nearly two dozen experts in older adult services for specific recommendations on how city and state policymakers can support older New Yorkers during this crisis.

Report - March 2020

A Blow to the Boroughs: Many Industries Hit Hardest by Coronavirus Concentrated Outside Manhattan

With the novel coronavirus already devastating New York City's economy, many of the industries suffering the most—including restaurants, retail, personal care services, childcare services, and air transportation—are overrepresented in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island and have grown fastest outside Manhattan.

Report - March 2020

Supporting small business through coronavirus: ideas from experts and leaders across NYC

New York’s small businesses are facing an existential threat from the novel coronavirus. CUF asked two dozen small business owners and small business experts for recommendations on how city and state policymakers can help them survive this crisis.

Report - March 2020

New York’s Free Tuition Promise Falling Short

Faced with major economic disruption, New Yorkers are likely to turn to higher education. But while the Excelsior Scholarship program is growing, CUNY students and community college students statewide continue to be underserved.

Report - March 2020

Growing and Diversifying Brooklyn’s Innovation Economy

Brooklyn is now a national leader in the innovation economy—tech start-ups, creative companies, and innovative manufacturers—but it still has a ways to go. This report outlines the key obstacles to continued growth and considers how the borough can realize its immense potential to develop a larger and more inclusive innovation economy.

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