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Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2016

Op-ed: A small boost in arts funding would go a long way

The arts provides thousands of jobs, enriches communities, enlivens public spaces, and gives voice to immigrant and low-income residents. In this New York Daily News op-ed, CUF's Adam Forman urges the city to prioritize spending on cultural affairs.

Data - June 2016

Libraries Teach Tech: Building Skills for a Digital World

This new data brief finds that NYC’s public libraries are playing an increasingly important role in helping New Yorkers develop the technology skills needed in today’s economy. It shows that the city’s libraries provided tech training to more than 150,000 New Yorkers in 2015, an 81 percent increase from just three years earlier.

Data - May 2016

The Rise (and Fall) of Middle Wage Industries in NYC

While the share of middle income jobs in New York City has declined over the past couple of decades, there is evidence that industries with middle income wages are staging a bit of a comeback.

Data - May 2016

Brooklyn Design Boom

Our new data brief highlights the growing importance of the design sector to New York City’s economy, and details that a disproportionate share of the growth in the sector is now occurring in Brooklyn. It shows that employment at architecture and design companies in Brooklyn increased by 86 percent between 2010 and 2014, significantly outpacing the growth citywide (23 percent) and in Manhattan (19 percent).

Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2016

New York City Must Support Its Immigrant Population to Ensure a Successful Workforce

In this City & State op-ed, CUF's Christian González-Rivera and CPD's Kate Hamaji argue that Career Pathways—New York City's new framework for its workforce development system—doesn't address the unique workforce challenges faced by the city's immigrant population. They lay out several steps that policymakers could take to better incorporate immigrants into the new workforce development strategy.

Testimony - April 2016

Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs in New York City

In this testimony before NYC Council’s Committee on Economic Development, CUF’s Jonathan Bowles presents several recommendations from our Breaking Through report to support women entrepreneurs and the growth of women-owned businesses in New York City.

Report - April 2016

A City of Immigrant Workers: Building a Workforce Strategy to Support All New Yorkers

Immigrants make up nearly half of New York City’s labor force but face significant challenges when it comes to accessing decent paying jobs and connecting to city-sponsored workforce development programs. With Career Pathways, Mayor de Blasio’s ambitious new approach to workforce development, the administration has an important opportunity to better incorporate the city’s immigrant workers into its workforce development strategy.

Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2016

Closing the NYCHA Funding Gap

In this City & State op-ed, Senior Researcher Adam Forman urges Governor Cuomo and state legislators to help alleviate NYCHA’s $17 billion funding gap and ensure that state funds are dedicated to its most important long-term needs, like the Authority’s aging and decaying building facades and roofs.

Data - March 2016

Library Times Are A-Changin’

Our second annual assessment of library hours in New York shows that 40 percent more branch libraries in NYC are open at least six days a week than this time last year. But while city libraries are open an average of 4 hours more per week than a year ago, they still lag behind many of the largest library systems in the state and nation in hours of operation.

Data - March 2016

Fast City, Slow Commute

New Yorkers are efficient, direct and fast moving. Their commutes: anything but. In this data analysis, we examine New Yorkers’ commutes by neighborhood and across industries.

Report - March 2016

Breaking Through

Women entrepreneurs of all ages, races and ethnicities are having an increasingly large impact on New York City’s economy. But even as the number of female-owned firms is soaring in every borough, the city has only begun to harness the full potential of women entrepreneurs.

Data - March 2016

Women-Owned Businesses in the Nation’s 25 Largest Cities

This index provides data on women-owned businesses in each of the nation’s 25 largest cities, including the overall number of women-owned firms, the growth rate for women-owned businesses and male-owned businesses, and average revenues per women-owned business.

Data - March 2016

Data from Breaking Through

Charts and tables from our 2016 Breaking Through study. The report found that though women entrepreneurs of all ages, races and ethnicities are having an increasingly large impact on New York City’s economy, the city has only begun to harness the full potential of women entrepreneurs.

Testimony - March 2016

3 Ways to Support NYC’s Aging Immigrants

In this testimony before NYC Council’s Committee on Aging, CUF’s Christian González-Rivera presents three recommendations from our New Face of New York's Seniors report that the city should prioritize this budget cycle.

Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2016

Catapulting New Yorkers into the Middle Class, ASAP

In this City & State op-ed, CUF senior researcher Tom Hilliard argues that the upcoming expansion of CUNY ASAP to cover all students at Bronx Community College presents an opportunity to catapult thousands of New Yorkers into the middle class each year – but only if state and city policymakers commit to more fully supporting ASAP.

Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2016

The City’s Next Steps to Ensure Vibrant, Creative Communities

The city’s new Building Community Capacity initiative aims to fortify small and midsized art organizations in communities outside of Manhattan. In this Gotham Gazette op-ed, CUF Senior Researcher Adam Forman shares several ideas for making the initiative a success – helping strengthen cultural organizations in the midst of neighborhood change.

Testimony - January 2016

A promising start for NYC’s new approach to workforce development

In this testimony before NYC Council’s Committees on Economic Development, Small Business and Civil Service & Labor, CUF’s Christian González-Rivera analyzes the first year of the Career Pathways initiative, the city’s new and comprehensive approach to workforce development.

Commentary/Op-Ed - January 2016

6 Ways the State Can Expand Economic Opportunity in 2016

As Governor Cuomo and the State Legislature set priorities for 2016, they should put economic opportunity for New Yorkers at the top. CUF Senior Researchers Christian González-Rivera and Tom Hilliard offer six concrete and affordable ideas to build the skills of the New York workforce, boosting low-income workers and their employers.

Report - December 2015

State of the Chains, 2015

Our eighth annual ranking of national retailers in New York City shows that growth in chain store locations across the city slowed considerably over the last year, with only Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens experiencing a net increase in the number of national retailers.

Testimony - December 2015

Addressing NYC’s Affordable Housing Crisis

In testimony submitted before the City Planning Commission, CUF's Jonathan Bowles argues in favor of Mayor de Blasio's affordable housing zoning amendments, saying that the shortage of affordable housing is a threat to the city’s continued economic growth and a barrier to elevating low-income New Yorkers into the middle class.

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