
impact - February 2019

CUF Research Leads to Plan to Hold For-Profit Schools More Accountable Statewide

During his 2019 State of the State address, Governor Cuomo announced several proposals to hold for-profit schools more accountable, sparked in part by CUF’s research, including the 2018 policy briefs Keeping New York's For-Profit Colleges on Track and Deeper in Debt: For-Profit Schools Driving Student Loan Default in New York.

impact - January 2019

CUF Report Inspires Capital Construction Process Reform in NYC

New York City's Department of Design and Construction (DDC) announces a major plan to overhaul the city’s capital construction process, mirroring key recommendations from CUF's 2017 Slow Build report.

impact - January 2019

CUF Research Sparks Plan to Expand Apprenticeship Programs in New York State

During his 2019 State of the State address, Governor Cuomo announced a new initiative to expand apprenticeships statewide, including several key recommendations drawn directly from CUF’s 2018 report on The Promise of Apprenticeships in New York.

impact - November 2018

CUF Recommendation Leads to Expanded Free WiFi at New York Airports

The Port Authority’s plan to expand free public WiFi at New York’s airports follows a key recommendation from CUF’s research on growing and sustaining New York’s tourism industry.

impact - June 2018

CUF Shapes State College Success Proposal

The New York State Senate introduces a bill to boost funding for the state’s most effective college completion initiative, CUNY ASAP, following the recommendations in CUF's recently published report.

impact - April 2018

CUF Report Leads to MTA’s New Bus Improvement Plan

The MTA's launches a comprehensive plan to improve all 300 bus routes follows the recommendation of CUF's recently published report.

impact - March 2018

CUF Inspires “Government x Design” Contracting Program

The de Blasio administration's Government by Design initiative encourages city agencies to seek the expertise of New York's tremendous design industry in large part by making it easier for those designers to bid on city jobs. The Center proposed a similar idea in a 2011 report.

impact - August 2017

CUF Influences de Blasio Administration’s CreateNYC Plan

The de Blasio administration’s CreateNYC plan follows several of CUF’s recommendations from its longstanding research on New York City’s creative economy.

impact - July 2017

CUF Recommendation Leads to Expanded Ladders for Leaders Program

The de Blasio administration’s expansion of the Ladders for Leaders program follows a key recommendation from CUF’s 2014 Bridging the Disconnect report. We commend the city’s Center for Youth Employment and the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) for expanding this crucial youth workforce development program.

impact - June 2017

CUF Inspires Mayor de Blasio’s 100,000 Good Jobs Plan

CUF has been the leading organization calling attention to the need for middle class job creation in New York City. The de Blasio administration’s 100,000 good-paying jobs plan follows several of CUF’s recommendations to increase the number of quality jobs in New York City.

impact - June 2017

CUF Recommendation Leads to Bill on Nightlife Reform

The New York City Council Committee on Consumer Affairs held a hearing on a package of initiatives to support New York’s nightlife industry, many of which CUF called for in an April 2017 op-ed.

impact - June 2017

CUF Research Influences City’s 2018 Budget

CUF has long studied the importance of New York City’s public libraries and the challenges facing the city's seniors. Mayor de Blasio and the City Council's 2018 budget followed our recommendations to include infrastructure investments for branch libraries and increased support for the city's aging population.

impact - April 2017

CUF Recommendation Leads to $335M Budget Boost for NYCHA

CUF’s Caution Ahead report and subsequent op-ed called on policymakers to repair crumbling facades at New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) buildings. The de Blasio administration's FY18 executive budget includes $355 million in new money to do just that.

impact - January 2017

CUF Report Inspires Funding for Diversity in Theater

CUF's Creative New York report called on the City to take steps to ensure a more diverse creative sector. Now, New York City's Midtown Theater Subdistrict Council is allocating over $2 million in grants to increase diversity in nonprofit theaters throughout the city.

impact - January 2017

CUF Inspires Plan to Create College Savings Accounts for Kindergarteners

In 2013, the Center for an Urban Future called on New York City to launch a kindergarten-to-college savings program, modeled on a successful initiative in San Francisco, to help increase the number of low-income children who go on to attend college. At the end of 2016, Mayor de Blasio announced that the city is finally piloting a similar plan, which will create $100 college savings accounts for roughly 10,000 kindergartners

impact - January 2017

CUF Recommendation Pushes Passage of Health Aide Bill

CUF’s "6 Ways the State Can Expand Economic Opportunity in 2016” commentary called on the state to pass "breakthrough" legislation creating career opportunities for home health aides. In December, the governor signed this crucial bill into law.

impact - December 2016

CUF Forum Leads to Statewide Workforce Development Funding

CUF's "Integrating New York's REDCs with Workforce Development" symposium led to New York State making workforce training a priority area for Regional Economic Development Councils (REDCs) in 2016.

impact - June 2016

CUF Report Inspires Funding Boost for the Department of Cultural Affairs

CUF report spurs an increase in Department of Cultural Affairs funding and inspires the development of a broader, more unified arts advocacy coalition.

impact - April 2016

CUF Finding Leads to Increased Funding for Water Tunnel No. 3

Center for an Urban Future report spurs increased funding and accelerated timeline for the completion of Water Tunnel No. 3.

impact - April 2016

CUF Report Shapes City’s Approach to Women Entrepreneurs

CUF's Breaking Through report on women entrepreneurs in New York City is influencing policymakers, leading to a City Council hearing in April 2016.

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